But had to sell it away when I moved house in 2007 as no space to keep the bike.
4 years later, in 2011, I started cycling again.
After moving to Punggol, I decided to get a foldable bike. Why? There's a great place to cycle just in our backyard - Punggol Waterway Park. And I need some form of exercise anyway.
I wanted a foldable bike that I could keep in the storeroom as the kids are still young, do not want them to mess around and injure themselves on the exposed parts of the bike.
Looked around and started off with a budget foldie (short form for a foldable bike) - StepDragon SS3, got it from a guy who imports them from Taiwan directly, hence, cheaper price as less markup costs.
Joined LoveCycling SG (LCSG) and happened to see a post by Steve of Hands On Bike blog, comparing cheap bikes vs premium bikes, made me realise that 一分钱,一分货 (you get what you pay for), some things are cheaper for a reason, you just have to know what you are paying for.
So I looked around again and upgraded to a Dahon Vitesse P16 (bought pre-owned from Togoparts) and started cycling in the park in the early morning hours and back home before the kids wake up, have a quick shower and off to work I go.
Ok, fast forward the next few months to August 2012, wife started to "feedback" that I cycle too often in the wee hours and sometimes, she have to wake up and help attend to the kids and this disturbed her sleep. You see, I used to do the night shift, taking care of the kids since they were babies.
That got me thinking about cycling to work. At first, I was a bit apprehensive as I tend to sweat a lot when exercising. Finally, after reading all the "Cycling to work" posts by Taiwoon (co-founder of LCSG) of smallwheelsbigsmile blog, Noel Tan's and Jel's experiences convinced me to try it out and see how it goes.
I started off with cycling to work from Monday to Thursday and on Friday (which is PNR night ride), I take the company bus to work, bringing in all my work attire for the next week.
Taking Noel's advice on just wiping down and changing into work attire, I find it quite alright. So far, none of my colleagues ever commented that I smell bad in the office ... LOL
Not long after, I sold off the Dahon and got a Brompton, for its compact fold and bags system, which I have been contemplating for quite a while already, mainly because of its price tag and proprietary parts. Welcome to the fold, so they say. And the rest was history ...
It has been slightly over a year ... I do not cycle to work everyday, if it rains or I am tired, I take the train/bus.
As Noel says "it's not an obligation to bike to work, sometimes when I'm tired I still take the bus."
Same goes for me, but on the days that I cycle to work, I feel fresher somewhat. :D
And Jel mentioned "... still deciding whether or not to cycle to work the trick is not to overthink it and just go for it. As the old saying goes “If there’s a will, there’s a way”."
So I just did it! :) and enjoying it!
If you are thinking about it, I hope this would inspire you to try it out.
If still not motivated, then see this video :D
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